

About Us



Olson Farms is certified in the following beef industry programs as well as offering the ability to adhere to the protocol required to qualify for Natural Beef and Non-Hormone Treated Cattle programs:

✓ Certified in IMI Global Program

✓ Certified in Progressive Beef Program

✓ Licensed for Certified Angus Beef Program

✓ Certification for Beef Quality Assurance Program for employees

✓ Common Sense Safety Program for employees


Environmental Sustainability –
Olson Farms strives to incorporates practices that are environmentally friendly as well as sustainable production processes that contribute to a healthier ecosystem.
They distribute their manure on production crop ground to reduce the need for commercially made nitrogen fertilizer, which is a more natural and healthier alternative.
They utilize a double crop system on several fields by planting a rye crop followed by short season corn, which is all harvested in the fall for silage. In addition, they plant a rye crop on several fields after harvest to enable a green crop to be grown throughout the year. These practices increase the organic matter of the soil as well as reducing soil erosion, contributing to more sustainable use of the land.

Community Impact –
Olson Farms is committed to supporting the surrounding communities where they, along with their employees and their families, live, work, and attend school. They donate time and resources to associations, businesses, schools and charities who all play an important part in contributing to the health and success of their individual communities.

Our Team

We appreciate our entire team of employees who work hard every day to ensure our success, including feedlot managers, farm managers, ranch managers, pen riders, feed truck drivers, bookkeepers, mechanics, welders, pen scrapers and all others who contribute in different capacities throughout the year.

Kirk Olson – President and General Manager

Kirk is the fourth generation to be involved in the family agricultural business. He started working for his dad and grandfather in 1986, after studying Agriculture Economics at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Kirk has been instrumental in enlarging the feedlot capacity of the operation by helping design and build our newest feedlot site south of Hershey, that we call “Cow Camp”. It was built in 2016 with new pens recently added in 2022.

Phone: 308-530-0660

Jayde Olson – Feedlot Manager [Main Lot]

Jayde is the fifth generation to be involved in the family business. She obtained her Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture Communications from the University of Nebraska Lincoln. She provides innovative ideas that are essential in streamlining our business in an ever-changing environment.

Phone: 308-660-4878

Cassie Hoffman –Office Manager

Cassie has been with us for several years and is a vital part of our team. She is responsible for keeping our office running smoothly and efficiently and “wears many hats” in this process.

Phone: 308-368-2521

Dr. Del Miles – Consulting Veterinarian

“Dr. Del”, who works for Veterinary Research and Consulting Services, LLC, is highly respected by colleagues in his field, and was an early leader in the Beef Quality Assurance Program. He has been on our team for several years and we continue to have ultimate trust in his knowledge and expertise in the treatment protocols of our livestock.

Bill Dicke – Consulting Cattle Nutritionist
Bill is the owner of his business, Cattlemens Consulting Service, and has been our consulting nutritionist for several years. We have continued to have success with our feeding and nutrition program because of his experience and knowledge. Bill has been sought out by university ag departments and agricultural publications to weigh in on several feed and nutrition issues over his years in the business.

Dr. Curt Bittner – Consulting Cattle Nutritionist

Dr. Bittner works together with Bill Dicke to provide a comprehensive feed and nutrition program. Curt is employed by Performance Plus and is on the forefront of providing cutting edge knowledge on trials performed in the cattle feed and nutrition arena.

Employment Opportunites

We are always in need of skilled and dependable employees and encourage anyone who is interested in seeking employment with our operation to call our office or drop by between 8-5 Monday through Friday to fill out an application.

Contact Information

Address: P.O. Box 307

Hershey, NE 69143

Phone: 308-368-2521

Fax: 308-368-5698

Email: farmsolson@gmail.com